

```````window films glosary

the amount that is taken into a medium

deposition process
a form of physical vapor deposition (PVD) often used for deposition of metal films . film is drawn through a tank containing metal ingots where a vacuum is created by reducing the pressure in the tank, which is then flooded with argon gas the ingots are heated. the heat causes the metal to giveup particles that migrate to the film's surface.

dyed film
window film that uses either a submersion process or a dyed adhesive process to deposit dye onto achieve the qualities and look of tinted film.

the measure of surface ability to absorb or reflect far-infrared rediation. the lower the emissivity rating, the better the insulating qualities of the window film/glass system.

hybrid film
window film that is made up of a combination of metalic film and dyed film to achieve the qualities and look to tinted film.

infrared light
a form of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths between 0. 7 micrometers (0.0007 milimeters) and 1 milimetre . these wavelengths are longer than those of visible light, but shorter than those of microwaves. (The prefix 'infra' means ' below; infrared refers to radiation below the frequency of red light.) infrared light is primarity thermal radiation , and we can think of this as being heat.

metalic film
window film that uses either a sputtering process or depotion process deposit metals onto its surface to achieve the qualities and look of tinted film.

polyester film
polyester are made from chemical subtances found mainly in petroluem and are manufactured in fibers, film, and, plasstic. polyester film (PETF) is a semi-crystalline film used in many applications such as videotape, high quality packging, profesional photographic printing, X-ray film, floppy disks, etc

the amount that is bent or bent or sent back by a medium.

shading coeffient
the ratio of solar heat gain passing through window film to the solar heat gain that occurs under same conditions if the window were made of clear , unshaded double strength window glass. the lower the number, the better solar shading quality of the window film/glass system.

solar absorptance
the percent of incident solar radiation that is absorted by the window film /glass system . The lower the number , the less solar radiation absorbed.

solar heat gain coefficient
the ratio of total heat passing thriugh a given window product relative to the soalr heat incident on the projected window surface at normal solar incidence (I.E. perpendicular to the glazing surface). the coefficient number for a particular window film/glass system, the better it is able to reduce heat.

solar reflectance
the percent of incident radiation that is transmitted through the window film film/glass system . the lower the number , the less solar radiation transmitted.

sputtering process
a form of physical vapor deposition often used for deposition of metal atomsoff a disc pure metal with charged, energetic, chemically inactive atoms called ions (from a plasma) . the metal atoms will redeposit and buil on top of polyester film.

total solar energi rejected
the percent of total soalr energy (heat) rejected by the window film/glass system . the higherr the number, the more total energy (heat) rejected.

the amount that is allowed to pass through a medium

the ability for heat to transfer throught 1 square foot of window film for each 1 fahrenheit difference in temperature . it is dependent upon the climate or environment the window is located in effects the level of heat transfer and the rate, in summer , heat transfers from the outdoor air . in winter , heat transfes from indoor air to outdoor air. the lower the U-value , the better insulating qualities of the window film/glass system.

ultraviolet light
light having a shorter wavelength and higher than visible light. ultraviolet is potentially damaging to library , archive and museum objects. removing UV light can reduce the rate of deterioration. certain acrylic sheets have UV filterring chemicals built into them.

ultraviolet transmittance
the percent of ultraviolet light (UV) that is transmitted by the window film/glass system. the lower the number , the less ultraviolet transmitted.